Amsterdam “Golden Age” & Zaanse Schans Walking Tour

Amsterdam "Golden Age" & Zaanse Schans Walking Tour

Tour description

Daily walking tour(s) focused on city’s highlights. Tour(s) could be executed in one ( shorter route) or two days including surrounding of the cities and/or cities and/or tour attraction in the neighborhood like Zaanse Schans , famous windmills are ca. 15 km (11 miles) away from Amsterdam)

We could suggest individual already developed own program or create new one depending of customer’s wishes and interest.


“The Venice of Western Europe” which is distinguished by its originality, geographical location and historical content.  Not every city in the world can boast such charisma and diverse way of life as Amsterdam with medieval architecture, arts, prostitution, light drugs, channel cruises, diamonds, not forgetting partying on the water, Ajax… a unique composition of sin and beauty chained together in inseparable harmony are found here.

The place where time seems to have stopped – “a living museum under the open sky” with its green wooden houses and the inevitable windmills on the river Zaan – feel the original atmosphere of a typical Dutch village from the XVII and XVIII century.  With a choice of several museums – visit clog & porcelain craft workshops and cheese factories.


Suggested meeting point would be Amsterdam Central Station or Amsterdam Passengers Terminal (APT) or your hotel in Amsterdam. After meeting we shall continue following the stops listed below:


Amsterdam  Central Station

Central Train Station building from 2nd half of 19th century set up on 6059 wooden poles built up in Dutch neoclassical architectonic style.

⇒ Amsterdam’s the smallest house

Officially the smallest house in Amsterdam at canal Singel; Trivia and curiosities about bridges and narrow, tall and leaning houses;  Story about meaning of “grachtnen” (the canals of Amsterdam), their history, purpose, maintenance…

St Nicholas Basilica

The biggest Catholic temple in The Netherlands dating from 2nd half of 19th century.

The Weeping Tower

Once part of the medieval wall built around the city of Amsterdam from 15th century the location from which Henry Hudson set sail on his journey to Northern America.

⇒ Fo Guang Shan Temple and China Town

Buddhist (Chinese) traditional temple, of its kind the second biggest in Europe in the heart of Amsterdam’s Chinatown.

De Waag (The Customs House)

City’s “weigh-building” (Customs House) and headquarters of several guilds, dating from begin of 15th century former one of the three gates to the inner part of the City of Amsterdam

Museum Ons’Lieve Heer Op Solder (Our Lord on Attic Secret Church)

“Ons’ Lieve Heer Op Solder” — most famous “secret church” in Amsterdam, restored in nowadays serving as museum.

Red Light District and Old Church

Short break from walking — 30 minutes moderation about prostitution and drug policy in The Netherlands. Stories about history of prostitutions, how it looks like today, “Yes and no” about light drugs, friendly recommendations how to enjoy it but not break the law… Old Church, coffeeshops, cabins with prostitutes, museums, restaurants , theaters … Amsterdam contradictories at one place

Dam Square ( New Church, King’s Palace, National Monument, Museum Madame Tussaud, Hotel Krasnopolski)

Central and the oldest Amsterdam’s square , birthplace of the city with focus on buildings in surround 

  • Royal Palace

    Former City Hall from the middle of 17th century, one of the three official place of residence of Dutch Royal Family build up on 13 659 wooden poles.

  • New Church

    The sacral building (initially)erected in 15th century, former worship church of Dutch Reformed Church still in use for wedding and crowning ceremonies of the members of Dutch Royal family.

  • National Monument

    A national remembrance, the stand 22 m (75 feet) high from 1956, commemorates the casualties of World War II and subsequent armed conflicts

Anne Frank House ( incl. Western Church)

Get to know more about life, secret shelter, suffering, human solidarity and famous diary of young teenage Jewish girl Anne translated in 57 world languages, during Nazi German occupation of Amsterdam


Entrance tickets for Anne Frank House is possible in advance at least 1,5 month before your coming to Amsterdam. This tour doesn’t consist Anne Frank House entrance tickets.


Hidden place and memorial area dedicated to “Beguines”, semi-closed sisters order similar to nuns with another “secret Catholic church”, the oldest wooden house in Amsterdam, “English Church”, legend about most famous order’s member sister Cornelia Arens, story about Miracle of Amsterdam from year 1345.

Sint Luciensteeg and Stone Tablets

Former City Orphanage (Burgerweeshuis) from 1580 and Sint Luciensteeg street, place with exposition of plenty of stone gables, stone tablets referring about house identities in the course of medieval ages

Flower market

Biggest and most famous flower and garden accessories market in the city. Right place for flower lovers and good opportunity to obtain many different kind of tulip bulbs and other kinds of flower of seeds …All at one place and for the best prices in the city

⇒  Munttoren (The Coin Tower)

The tower originally erected at 15th century at the meeting point of river Amstel and one of the oldest canals in Amsterdam, Singel. Tower served as one of the main gates to the inner part of the medieval city also place where coins were minting during 17th century.

Rembrandt’s Square

Monument honored to the great painter Rembrandt van Rijn and 3D exposure of the most famous his masterpiece “The Night Watch”.Interesting facts and trivia about this masterpiece and artist’s private life

Former Jewish Quarter ( inc. Portuguese Synagogue, Jewish National Museum, Auschwitz Monument, Gassan Diamonds Factory, Rembrandt’s House, National Name Holocaust Monument…)

“Jodenbuurt” alias “Plantage” (The Jewish Quarter), city area where from the end of 16th century until WW2 many Jews were lived. Most famous and important buildings for Amsterdam’s Jewish community through centuries along with Holocaust monuments and memorials.

(More information about specific monuments an program could be additionally provided additionally)

River Amstel and most famous bridges and buildings placed along the river, leaning houses, stone tablets and many more …

View to river Amstel and surrounding buildings of higher social and cultural meaning with with ones of the most famous bridges in Amsterdam, Blue Bridge and Skinny Bridge

Zaanse Schans

The place where time seems to have stopped – the oldest industrial zone in Europe, “a living museum under the open sky” with its green wooden houses and the inevitable windmills on the river Zaan – feel the original atmosphere of a typical Dutch village from the XVII and XVIII century.  With a choice of several museums – visit clog & porcelain craft workshops and cheese factories and many other ” interesting surprises”…


Excursion  to Zaanse Schans ( ca. 2,5 hours) is possible to organize additionally up on customer's request. 
Beside that it is also possible to organize ca. 1 hour canal cruise trough Amsterdam's "grachten". 

Tour prices

Option 1 — € 400 only Amsterdam.
Tour takes approximately 6–7 hours 

Option2 —  € 470 Amsterdam and Zaanse Schans.
Tour takes approximately 7–8 hours 

The both tours include drink and local snacks within or after the tour, and transportation costs ( retour train tickets) from Amsterdam to Zaanse Schans for up to 4 persons.

Tours exclude entrance fees to facilities and museums.